A brief history of my Diary

I've been writing diary continuously since 9 years old, and the format of my Diary evolved over time. During elementary school, I kept several cute notebooks for writing Diary. Since middle school (2011), most of my diary have been electronic.

In late 2015, I began to write some Diary in English, in order to practice my English writing skills. For 3 years 8 months (10 April 2016 — 31 December 2019), I wrote all my Diary in English, completing more than 221,000 words.

Since 2020, I've returned to using the Chinese language. Currently, my Diary grows by 300-400 characters per day on average.

D5 Archive

In late 2016, I restructured my Diaries to be "version 5" (D5). Each entry of Diary is named "D5p#-yymmdd" where "p" stands for "page". For example: D5p84-171008.

A list of my D5 entries is linked in the title.


My diary records my opinions or feelings at a particular point in my personal history. It's worth emphasizing that I do not necessarily agree with, or feel the same as, what I wrote in the past, as my values evolve rapidly over the years.

Occasionally, there are factual errors in my past diaries, especially if I was recording second-hand information. My diary is not a reliable source for up-to-date information.


I represent frequently-mentioned friends by 3-digit numbers. This tradition can be traced back to middle school, where my classmates refer to each other by their "school number" (学号). A list of assigned numbers for my friends is linked in the title.


Some parts of my Diary record the life and experiences of my friends. I try my best not to include others' private and sensitive information in my Diary. If you are my friend, feel free to contact me if you see Diary contents about yourself that you're not comfortable with.